Body, Breath, and Mind: An internet intervention for depressive symptoms combining Qi Gong and behavioral activation
by Johannes Michalak1 and Tobias Puntke1
1Department of Psychology and Psychotherapy, Witten/Herdecke University, Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 50,58448 Witten, Germany
2TaijiDao Association Münster, Marsweg 7, 48163 Munster,Germany
Cite as: Michalak and Puntke (2024). Body, Breath, and Mind: An internet intervention for depressive symptoms combining Qi Gong and behavioral activation. THE MIND Bulletin on Mind-Body Medicine Research, 3, 32-33. https://doi.org/10.61936/themind/2024121231
Research has consistently shown that the motor system and emotional processes are interrelated in non-clinical as well as in clinical populations. Therefore, the body might be a promising target for the treatment of depression. Based on these notions, we developed Body, Breath and Mind (BBM), a minimally monitored online intervention combining body orientated Qi Gong practice with elements of behavioral activation. In this talk we will present the background of BBM and will give an overview of its structure
and the Qi Gong exercises used. Results of an uncontrolled pilot study with 110 participants with at least moderate levels of depression has documented the feasibility of BBM (e.g. large reductions in depressive symptoms, d = –1.82). Moreover, results of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) study with 303 participants will be presented. In this RCT BBM is compared to moodgym (the most often used online program for depression worldwide) and a waiting list control group.
Keywords: Qi Gong, behavioral activation, depression