The ConnectingLink® Coaching Method
by Katrin Marcus-Alic1 and Natascha Meiser Schmähling2,3
1Osteopath and Health Practitioner & Coach for the Subconscious, Siegburg, Germany
2Medical Proteom-Center, Ruhr-University Bochum, Medical Faculty, Bochum, Germany
3“SoulUp your Science”, Science Coaching & Coach for the Subconscious, Remscheid, Germany
Cite as: Marcus-Alic, K. & Meiser Schmähling, N. (2024). The ConnectingLink® Coaching Method. THE MIND Bulletin on Mind-Body Medicine Research, 3, 19. https://doi.org/10.61936/themind/2024121213
We carry within us a multitude of emotionally unresolved experiences from our early lives or the lives of our ancestors. Therefore, our nervous system has stored numerous hindering emotions, beliefs and behavioural patterns.
Instead of living a life of serenity and joy, we are at the mercy of our reflexive emotional and physical reactions. Consequently, we are confronted with recurring stress in our minds and bodies. Our relationships, work and physical health are affected. Even if we want to, our willpower is not strong enough to change the patterns stored in the unconscious.
The ConnectingLink® coaching method directly addresses the coachees’ nervous system and subconsciousness. With the help of muscle tests, it uncovers connections between problems in the here and now and the - often unconscious - cause in the past. With the help of rapid eye
movements (REM phase) past experiences are processed retrospectively.
As a result, the coachees experience a new relaxation on a mental and physical level and can now react more calmly and centred in situations that previously stressed them and prevented them from finding favourable solutions and taking good decisions.
This has positive effects on the physical systems that are affected by stress, such as the digestive, hormonal and immune systems.
As ConnectingLink® coaches, we would like to present the method to the participants of the conference using many successful practical case studies. Based on practical exercises we will illustrate the often astonishing connections between problem and cause that have come to light.
Keywords: ConnectingLink® Coaching, subconscious, autonomic nervous system, stress, stimulus-response programme