General Terms and Conditions

for the International Scientific Conference on Mind-Body Medicine (ISC-MBM)


November 04 - 05, 2024 | online or at the Institute for Integrative Health Care and Health Promotion (IGVF), Witten/Herdecke University





1. Scope of application

The following GTC govern the conditions for registration and participation of all persons (hereinafter "Participants") in the ISC-MBM 2024 (hereinafter "Event") as well as the entire participation-related business relationship between the Organizer and the Participants.

Deviating terms and conditions of the participants are not valid.

The organizer is the Mind-Body Medicine Research Council (MBMRC, hereinafter "organizer"),

 Institute for Integrative Health Care and Health Promotion (IGVF), Witten/Herdecke University, Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 44, 58455 Witten, Germany,,


2. Registration and booking confirmation

Participants can register for the event via the Limesurvey registration portal ( Participants must enter the personal data required for registration and confirm that they have read and accept the GTC.

In the registration system and on the registration form, all tickets offered for the event are available to the participant.

The contract for participation in the event is concluded upon receipt of the booking confirmation, which is sent exclusively by e-mail.


3. Services and participation fee; fees

The participation fee includes access to the scientific program of the ISC-MBM. Travel, accommodation and subsistence costs for participants are not included.

Participation fees as well as processing and cancellation fees (see point 6) and fees for returned direct debits (see point 4) are charged in the name and for the account of Witten/Herdecke University and are stated in euros.

Dinner on day 1 and lunch on day 2 are included in the attendance ticket price.


Available ticket options are:

·         On site: EUR 135,- per person

·         On site (student*): EUR 90,- per person

·         Online: EUR 90,- per person

·         Online (Student:in*): EUR 45,- per person

·         Participants with disabilities (on site or online): EUR 90,- per person

·         Scholarship holders**: free of charge

·         Supporters***: EUR 270,- per person


Possible discounts (e. g. for students) are shown separately in the participation fees.

Participants who take advantage of a reduced fee assure that the reduction criterion is met at the time of registration and for the duration of the event. Corresponding proof (e. g. copy of enrollment certificate) must be included in the registration (see point 2).

Reduced fees cannot be claimed after the booking has been confirmed.

If a reduced fee was claimed but proof was not included in the registration, the participant will be charged the difference to the full price plus a processing fee of EUR 35.


4. Terms of payment

Registration for the conference ends on September 30th, 2024.


The invoice for the participation fee will be sent by e-mail within four (4) weeks of registration.

Payment must be made in full by bank transfer within 10 days of receipt of the invoice to the account specified in the invoice, stating the invoice number.

The participant is responsible for ensuring that the full amount is transferred without deductions, i. e. any bank and/or transfer fees incurred shall be the participant’s responsibility.

Participation in the event is not possible without full payment of the participation fee plus any chargeback and processing or other fees incurred.

If the payment is not successfully executed for reasons for which the participant is responsible (e. g. chargeback), the participant shall bear all costs arising from the chargeback.

A processing fee of EUR 35.00 will be charged for each cancellation. The organizer reserves the right to assert further claims against the participant(s).


5. Participation and access authorization

Participation in the event is personal and cannot be transferred to other persons.

The congress pass will be issued on site at the registration counter.

The congress badge must be worn visibly by all participants during the event. Access to the event cannot be granted without the congress badge. If the congress badge is lost, the registration counter can issue a replacement badge with appropriate proof of identity (and payment).


6. Rebooking, cancellation, refund

Changes, rebookings and/or cancellations must be made by e-mail or letter to the Mind-Body Medicine Research Council (MBMRC), Institute for Integrative Health Care and Health Promotion (IGVF), Witten/Herdecke University, Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 44, 58455 Witten, Germany,


Cancellation conditions are as follows:

·         until September 14, 2024: Participation fee will be refunded minus a processing fee of EUR 35.

·         from September 15, 2024 or in case of no-show, illness, early departure etc.: no refund.


If the participation fee has already been paid, it will be refunded minus any fees incurred. If the participation fee has not yet been paid, the participant may simply not pay the participation fee; the cancellation fee is due upon cancellation.

If the registered participant is unable to attend the event, it is possible to nominate a substitute up to 5 days in advance. In this case, the registration will be transferred to the substitute.

When booking a reduced-price ticket, the substitute participant must provide appropriate proof that he/she retains the discount, otherwise the difference will be charged subsequently. A refund of the difference in the case of a replacement person entitled to a discount will be made subject to an immediate processing fee of EUR 35.


7. Reservations of change

The organizer reserves the right to make minor changes to the content and schedule of the event. If there are important organizational or factual reasons, changes to the content of the event program may be made at short notice and substitute speakers may be appointed in exceptional cases. The overall character of the event shall remain unchanged. In this case, participants do not have the right to a (partial) refund or reimbursement of other expenses.

The organizer is not liable for the absence of announced speakers. In the event of a cancellation, there is no entitlement to compensation.

The current list of speakers can be found in the program overview. Short-term changes are only possible to a limited extent for technical reasons.

The organizer is entitled to hold the event exclusively virtually if it is unreasonable or impossible to hold the event in the planned scope due to pandemics such as the SARS-COV2 virus, official orders, legal bans and/or travel restrictions.


8. Cancellation, interruption, postponement, closure of the event by the organizer

In justified exceptional situations, the organizer may postpone, shorten, cancel, temporarily interrupt, partially close or cancel the event in terms of time and/or location. This applies in particular in the event of force majeure (e. g. official orders or urgent official recommendations, labor disputes, terrorism or other danger to life or limb, natural events, pandemics, epidemics).

If the trouble-free execution of the event is impaired or endangered to such an extent that the intended purpose of the event cannot be achieved for participants or the organizer, or can only be achieved with considerable restrictions, or can only be carried out under considerably changed or worsened conditions, the event may be adjusted or cancelled/interrupted.

The same applies if there are concrete indications that holding or continuing the event could lead to a significant risk to life and limb or valuable property.

The decision is made by the organizer at his own discretion, taking into account the interests of all participants concerned, both with regard to the purpose of the event and with regard to the necessary safety considerations.

Registered participants will be informed immediately of any significant changes to the program or the cancellation of the event. In the event of cancellation, participation fees already paid will be refunded in full; outstanding payments of the fee will not be claimed; this does not apply to other fees incurred or arising within the scope of the business relationship.

If the event is postponed (in terms of time or location) or shortened before the start, the contract shall remain valid for the new venue or event period. If participation is not possible due to the changes, the participant may withdraw from the contract and receive a refund of the participation fee paid in the amount in which it was paid, or does not have to pay the participation fee; this does not apply to other fees already incurred or arising within the scope of the business relationship.

In the event of premature termination (cancellation, shortening), temporary interruption, partial closure after the start of the event or late start, the obligation of the speakers to give their presentation and the obligation of the participants to pay the full participation fee for the non-cancelled part of the event shall remain in force.


9. Film, sound and image recordings

For the purpose of documenting and reporting on the event, the organizer or commissioned or accredited persons and service providers will take pictures and videos.

The recordings will be published in print and online media (e.g. website, social media, abstracts in The Mind Bulletin on MBM Research) in order to report on the event.

By registering, the participant agrees that such photographic, film and/or acoustic recordings may be made free of charge and used in the aforementioned media.

Each participant has the opportunity to object to both the recording and the publication of excerpts of recordings that concern him/her.

Participants in the face-to-face format who do not wish to be recorded should contact the registration desk if they have any objections.

Should a participant subsequently object to the recording and/or publication of recordings concerning him/her, the organizer will immediately delete the corresponding recordings and remove them from its online offerings.

The legal basis for the aforementioned data processing is Art. 6 sec. 1 sentence 1 lit. f) GDPR.

The organizer's legitimate interest lies in documenting and reporting on the congress. If the organizer intends to publish the contribution of a specific participant, separate consent will be obtained for this.

All image and publication rights are held by the organizer. Image, video or sound recordings by participants during the event are not permitted and require the prior written consent of the organizer in all cases. This also applies to any subsequent use of image or sound recordings of the event that is not exclusively for private purposes.


10. Copyrights and rights of use

All documents issued to participants are protected by copyright and may only be used for personal use. Rights of use are only transferred with the express written consent of the organizer. Duplication, distribution, processing or public reproduction of any kind is strictly prohibited and requires the written consent of the organizer.

The organizer assumes no liability for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information and documents provided by the speakers. The organizer is not liable for damages resulting from the use of such information.


11. Arrival and overnight stays

Hotel and travel tickets are booked by the participants themselves. Except in cases of wilful intent and gross negligence, the organizer is in no case liable for transportation, meals and overnight stays that a participant is unable to take advantage of for whatever reason.


12. Liability

Participants attend the event  at their own risk.

The organizer is not liable for damages resulting from accidents, damage, loss or theft, in particular not for consequential damages (e. g. loss of profit, compensation for futile expenses, etc.) resulting from the event, unless these are based on intentional or grossly negligent conduct on the part of the organizer or its legal representatives and vicarious agents or result from a breach of essential contractual obligations.

Essential contractual obligations are those whose fulfilment is essential for the proper execution of the contract and on whose compliance the contractual partner may regularly rely and whose breach jeopardizes the achievement of the purpose of the contract.


13. Information on data protection

Registration via the congress organizer's registration system is required for participation in the congress.

We process the personal data of participants for the purpose of registration, organization and implementation of the event. The legal basis for the processing is your consent in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR. In addition, personal data is transmitted to the service provider Remo, who are based in the USA, which means that personal data is transferred to a country outside the EU (“third country”). As there is no adequacy decision by the European Commission for the United States, the transfer is based on your express consent in accordance with Art. 49 para. 1 lit. a GDPR and the standard contractual clauses entered into by us and Remo in accordance with Art. 46 para. 2 lit. c GDPR.

You can find out exactly which data is processed as well as information about us and our data protection officer and your rights pertaining to data processing in our information on data protection at You can contact the data protection officer at Witten/Herdecke University at Please note that registration for the above-mentioned event cannot take place without your consent or the consent of the registered person(s).

You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future. The revocation can be addressed to the department responsible for the congress organization (the contact details of the organizer are listed under Nr. 1 – Scope of application).

Your personal data will only be stored for as long as is necessary for the purposes of the event. The service provider Remo also only stores the data for as long as required for the purpose of processing, in accordance with their data protection guidelines.

Further information on the storage period and the rights of data subjects, including the right of appeal to a supervisory authority, can be found in the


14. Final provisions

Should one or more provisions of these General Terms and Conditions be invalid or contain a loophole, the parties shall replace or supplement the invalid or incomplete provision with statutory provisions that come closest to the purpose of the original provision. This shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The place of performance is the organizer’s registered place of business. German law shall apply to the exclusion of the provisions of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. These General Terms and Conditions are unalterable for the participants; nevertheless, amendments and additions must be made in writing; this also applies to the waiver of the written form requirement. Changes to these terms and conditions are subject to the approval of the respective participant. If no consent is given, which consent can be implied by silence in response to a corresponding email, the participant has a special right of termination, the use of which does not entail the charging of fees; this does not apply to non-participation fees incurred prior to any changes.


15. Right of withdrawal for consumers

Participants whose registration is not part of a commercial or self-employed professional activity (§ 13 BGB) have the right to cancel their registration in writing within 14 days of receipt of the booking confirmation without giving reasons. Cancellation fees will not be charged in this case. However, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised retroactively.

To exercise the right to cancel, you must inform us, the Mind-Body Medicine Research Council (MBMRC), Institut für Integrative Gesundheitsversorgung und Gesundheitsförderung (IGVF), Universität Witten/Herdecke, Alfred-Herrhausen-Straße 48, 58448 Witten, Germany, email:, of your decision to cancel this contract by a clear statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or e-mail).

You can use the form below for this purpose. To comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient that you send the notification of the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the expiry of the withdrawal period (date of postmark).

If you withdraw from this contract, we will refund all payments we have received from you immediately and at the latest within fourteen days from the day on which we receive notification of your withdrawal from this contract.

If you exercise your right of withdrawal during the event within the time limit, you must pay us a reasonable amount corresponding to the proportion of the services already provided up to the time you inform us of the exercise of the right of withdrawal with regard to this contract compared to the total scope of the services provided for in the contract.


If you wish to cancel the contract, please fill out this form and send it back to us:



Mind-Body Medicine Research Council (MBMRC)

Institute for Integrative Health Care and Health Promotion (IGVF)

Witten/Herdecke University

Alfred-Herrhausen-Strasse 48

58448 Witten




I/we (*) hereby revoke the contract concluded by me/us (*) for the provision of the following service (*)

- on (*)

 - Name of the consumer(s)

 - Address of the consumer(s)

 - Signature of the consumer(s) (only for notification on paper)

 - Date

 (*) Delete as appropriate.




Status: August 28, 2024